Monday, June 23, 2008

Whew, I am still full from all that food we ate at the melting pot last night. We liked all the food, but the cheese and dessert courses were the BEST. Food is a bit pricey, but SO worth it :)

Before the Melting pot, Linds and I went to HFBC [Houston's first baptist church] night service. It was so good hearing Pastor Gregg preach. I love his messages every time I go to first, just like I loved them when he was the Breakaway speaker.
His message focused on God's provision in Exodus when Moses was leading his people out of Egypt. It was a neat picture he painted, saying that most of us don't need our physical needs met, like with Manna, or water from a rock in the desert. Jesus us faithful to provide everything we need in His PERFECT timing.

John 6:35 "Then Jesus declared 'I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty."

This was good to be reminded of, since Russell and I will be moving to Missouri in less than two weeks, with no idea where we will be living, what I will do [job-wise] while there, and what jobs we will have when we move back to Houston in mid-October. We know God is faithful, just as He has been all along the way.

Sunday mornings message preached by Pastor Dave at my home church, Cypress Bible Church, was also great.
It was about Fighting Uncertainty, which I think we all face everyday, no matter how big or small. He focused in Ecclesiastes 3 where scripture states there is a time for everything. Two points he made that I loved the most were "See your work [and everything you have] as a gift from God. I normally wouldn't think of work as a 'gift', but it is. It is there because we are needy people. The other was that 'God has put beauty in everything' [v 11a] He makes things beautiful and appropriate at the perfect time.

Saturday morning I had the pleasure of attending sweet Lauren Rugh's wedding shower. I still remember my freshman year of college, when she visited me and slept on a mattress on the floor of my dorm [before choosing to go to the other school ;)]. She and Jonathan [her now fiance] had been dating for a few months, and she really liked him. I had no idea how the relationship would end up, because she was only a senior in HS. Though the Lord soon showed us how wonderful the two were together, and now they are less than two months from their marriage! It has been exciting to know her over the years and get to see her heart and passions. I am very excited for these two :)


Lara & Nate said...

Claire! I found your blog through facebook. How exciting! It was so fun to see you at church the other night and catch up a tad bit :0) I will be praying for you and Russell as you move to Missouri and beyond! Love you!


Lindsee Lou said...

I am STILL full from Melting Pot! :)

Love you!

Lauren said...

ooooh I made it to Claire's blog! :) Thank you so much for coming at short was so GOOD to see you.
I bet your excited about seeing Russell soon :) :)

Lauren said...


I had to fix it! :)