Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I can't wait till tomorrow when I actually get to see my husband AWAKE! I went to my first AFTB [Army Family Team Building] class last night. It lasted until 10:15, which is past Russell's bedtime since he has to be up by 4 every morning. The second class for this level is tonight. We definitely learned about stuff I need/will need to know, like acronyms, chain of command, etc. I feel very uninformed, especially since we just got started, and since Russell is not active duty. It was also nice to get to chat more with some of the other wives that are here at Ft Leonard Wood while their husbands are also in EOBC [engineer officer basic course].
I was also excited to hear [from one of the other wives of course and not my hubby] that there will be a formal in mid-September. :)

I also have an update on my scrap booking, I have developed all the pictures and only have a few more pages to put together till I have scrap booked through my graduation! Woo hoo! Now I'm only a little more than a year behind...tehe.

Now I'm back to scrap booking, I will be done with this book by Friday at the latest!

Precious kid yesterday at aerobics. There is a woman that when she comes, she brings her two sons that look between the ages of 7-9ish and are too old to need to go to child care. They just entertain themselves on the sidelines while we work out. Well, yesterday, the older one got in trouble for something right as they got there, so he pouted the entire time. The younger one then had to keep himself entertained. He was dancing on the stage, sometimes with little weights, or counting us down. It was ADORABLE and such an encouragement. I bet he didn't know how many of us he was entertaining. I swear, when we have kids, they better be that cute :)


Jenny said...

YAY for a FORMAL!!! :) Whatever in the world are you going to wear?!?!?!

Love YoU!

The Roberts' said...

i say often to josh, that i hope our kids/babies are cute too!!

Claire said...

I have no idea what to wear. Luckily I will be in Houston the week before [for Bonnie's wedding], so I can get something while I'm home :)